Sunday, August 30, 2009

Genetic Distance Explanation

I have compared genetic distance between Bryant and John (Chestnut Creek) using a utility comparison.

Kit #79127 (Pat) is the modal. He has a genetic difference of 2 from kit 79277 (Tom); 0 genetic
difference from 8000 (Albert); 0 genetic difference from 82938 (Rudy) etc.
Green background indicates the individuals that are compared are related; yellow probably related and pink possibly related. All individuals in Bryant's group except Clyde 130262 and Robert N71021 are related or probably related.

Chestnut Creek John's grouping shows a very different story. There are quite a few possibly related indicating further tests need to be completed. Careful analysis shows relationships in the Chestnut Creek Group and also clearly indicates that there are some questionable relationships.

I will compare the Edmund group as well and post.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Just wondering if this is still a live project at all.