Sunday, November 9, 2008

Family Tree DNA Personal Page

November 2008

Since we have so many new members in the past few months, I decided an explanation of how to used Family Tree DNA personal page might be useful.

(1) Log into Family Tree DNA home page with your kit number and password.

You will see your personal page. On the left hand side of the page is a groups heading
that will list the groups of which you are a member. You should belong to Fanning.

Next is a Ysearch button and a Join button. Ysearch is a database of a number of companies sharing DNA results. This is a very useful database, especially if you have a limited number of matches in Family Tree.

The Join button allows you to join geographical projects, haplogroup projects, other surname projects and area projects.

Order tests and upgrades directs you to additional tests and upgrades that are available.

Order certificates will show various certificates that available from Family Tree.

User preferences changes the way that you view information in Family Tree's database.
If you want to restrict your matches just to the Fanning project, check the appropriate button.
You can restrict the number of markers that you match. I have a large number of matches in the 12 and 25 marker groups, so I choose to only receive matches in 37 and 67 markers.

GedCom link for providing a gedcom to Family Tree DNA.

Genographic Project provides a link to joining that project. It's a promotion for genetic genealogy and is the National Geographic Society study.

My Maps shows indicates the location of the ancestors of matching participants.

Y-DNA matches. Probably the link that everyone will use the most. This page indicates the number of matches and the genetic distance of the match. The FTDNA Tip report will list the
probability that you share a common ancestor with your match in a specific time period.

Recent Ancestral Origins. The results below show the ancestral origin of those you match or nearly match in the RAO. Exact matches show people who are the closest to you genetically. The ancestral origin information is provided by each testee, and is only as accurate as the testee's knowledge.

YDNA Haplotree. this is useful in determining where your ancestors originated and where they may have migrated.

YDNA DYS Values. Your marker values from your test. Click on the Understanding your Results in the upper third of page to see an explanation from Family Tree of your results.

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